It's been a Grrrr! kind of week - and it's only Tuesday. I may be in trouble.
You may remember from my August posts that I had some difficulty with adware and malware taking command of my PC. I have since taken multiple steps to correct the problems and prevent future issues. Yesterday I discovered that I had my PC locked up so tight I was not able post to my own blog. Figuring out how I managed that and undoing it took a while.
Then there's election day. Today. Yes - I'm one of those people who has not made up her mind. I have not been waffling back and forth. I've been secretly hoping for a new candidate to emerge. But today is the day I must decide.
NaNoWriMo started Saturday. I actually got off to a good start, even though the day was overbooked with commitments. We won't discuss Sunday. Or Monday. Suffice it to say - I will get back on track. It's just going to be a tad painful.
Have you heard enough whining? I certainly have. On to the November schedule.
I'm cheating in November. In order to have a prayer at reaching my NaNo goal, I won't be reading much. Instead I'll discuss books I've read in the past that made an impact on me. November will be non-fiction month, as well. This is so I don't pick up and mimic another writer's style while I'm working on The Golden Key, Second in the Eva Baum Detective Series.
The selected books include Learning to Bow by Bruce Feiler, A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, Blue Latitudes by Tony Horwitz and, time permitting, Three Cups of Tea.
I have saved the best for last. On November 10, author Mayra Calvani will be joining us with her award winning book, The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing. The blog tour for this book begins November 4 at Donna McDine's blog and continues through November 28. Ms. Calvani has planned some interesting stops along the way. If you are at all interested in learning to write book reviews, or picking up tips on how to improve what you're already doing, I recommend following the tour. Check out the full schedule Mayra Calvani's site.
Thanks so much for having me on your great blog this November, Charlotte.
Good luck today with the voting. That's a tough one.
I'm also doing nanowrimo this year. SO far, 5,000 words... better get back to my novel :-)
Good luck with your NaNo writing. Personally I think all of you are nuts (smile) - literary masochists.
When I get in my flat out writing "zone" I put down a min 2K words a day anyway, so I don't need that particular discipline. But I can certainly see its value. Writing fast and furious without stopping to edit often brings out some really serendipitous and original manuscripts.
Charolotte...thanks for mentioning Mayra in your post...the visit went very well yesterday. good luck with NaNo!
Donna McDine
Mayra and Donna,
You are very welcome. I'm looking forward to November 10.
Is that not the definition of novelists?
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