Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome New Bloggers

Dani's new class at Blog Book Tours began their new year by launching into their blog-a-day challenge. This free class is designed to help authors learn how to conduct an effective virtual book tour and to help others learn how to be good book tour hosts.

The first month of the course is a real eye-opener. The goal is to develop good blogging habits by posting to your blog every day for a month and finding time to visit your classmates blogs. Leaving comments is encouraged.

We are halfway through the month. Having been through this class myself, I can tell you that what many participants need now is a bit of encouragement. If you have some time, visit a few names off my blog roll titled Apr2009 Class of BBT, or hop on over to the Blog Book Tours site where you can see the complete list of participants and learn more about this wonderful, free service.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Let me be the first to comment her for you!

Enjoying the class so far, although I already blogged daily - but I never treated blogging like a 'social site', which it is here at Blogger.

But I'm preparing for two book releases this spring, so I am getting better at this!

L. Diane Wolfe

Charlotte Phillips said...

Two book releases in one Spring! Congratulations Diane. You are going to be one busy woman.